In the heart of Mosul, Al-Awael School stands as a beacon of educational excellence, setting a new standard for nurturing young minds from diverse backgrounds. This remarkable achievement is not a solitary endeavour but a result of a strategic partnership with RABGA, an esteemed educational organization known for its commitment to innovation and quality in education.

At Al-Awael School, a groundbreaking initiative has been undertaken to offer a customised NCFE qualification program, meticulously designed to cater to students from various backgrounds. This unique program extends from the foundational Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) up to KS2 Year 6, ensuring a seamless and comprehensive educational journey for every child enrolled, including those for whom English is a third language.

The success story of Al-Awael School would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication and foresight of its management team. Their commitment to providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment has been instrumental in shaping the school's educational approach and fostering a culture of excellence.

Furthermore, the ongoing teacher training programs facilitated by RABGA have played a pivotal role in empowering educators with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively support students with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. These training sessions have not only enhanced the teachers' instructional abilities but have also fostered a sense of cultural competency and empathy among the staff, enabling them to create a truly inclusive classroom environment.

As a result of this collaborative effort between Al-Awael School and RABGA, students have not only excelled academically but have also developed a deep sense of belonging and community within the school. The customised NCFE qualification program has not only equipped them with essential academic skills but has also instilled in them a sense of confidence, resilience, and a passion for lifelong learning.

Through their shared vision of educational excellence and inclusivity, Al-Awael School and RABGA have set a new standard for educational partnerships, demonstrating the transformative power of collaboration in creating a brighter future for all students, regardless of their background or linguistic abilities.